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Munchkin Warhammer

Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar

€ 23,00 (inclusief btw 21%)
Niet op voorraad
Productcode 4484SJG
Productcode leverancier Steve Jackson Games

Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar


- EN


 Mighty Battles for the Mortal Realms . . .

The Perfect Chance to Kill the Monster, Steal the Treasure, and Stab Your Buddy!

Steve Jackson Games and Games Workshop brought Munchkin and
Warhammer 40,000 together to create a perfect fusion of the two
games with Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 . . . but there’s a lot more to
Warhammer than just one game! The story continues with Munchkin
Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The Eight Realms of Age of Sigmar form a
new battleground for Munchkin players to explore – by which we mean
kill monsters and take their stuff, obviously.
First launched in 2015, Warhammer Age of Sigmar has found a home
on game tables worldwide. Its rich story and variety of foes are a perfect
match for your Munchkin game.

Best of all, it’s completely compatible with Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 and its expansions . . . create a truly
epic battle by mixing the sets!

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