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Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn

Ashes : Rise of the Phoenixborn

€ 59,00 (inclusief btw 21%)
Niet op voorraad
Productcode PHGASH01
Productcode leverancier PHG12000

Ashes : Rise of the Phoenixborn



In Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn, a two-player expandable card game, players take on the roles of Phoenixborns, demi-gods and protectors of this world. These characters are the great saviors of their civilizations. Before they came into existence, the humans were plagued by monsters like chimeras that took away their lands and forced them to live in walled-off cities. When the Phoenixborns came, they fought off the chimeras and freed the lands for humans to take over once again.

But the time of peace was short-lived. A prophecy arose that if one Phoenixborn was able to absorb enough Ashes of others, they would ascend into full gods and take mastery over this world. This, as well as humans' greed for land, fueled the War of Ashes. The great cities now fight among each other, each one of them with a Phoenixborn at its helm, and you will decide who will rise and who will fall to ashes.

Ook interessant

€ 68,50
€ 66,00

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